A few before and after cases
Case study 1
8 e.max veneers
This patient presented to her dentist not at all happy with her appearance.
She did not like the discoloration and wanted a “Hollywood smile.”
Using emax we were able to create a wonderful result.
She was ecstatic and referred her friends for similar treatment.
Case study 3
6 e.max veneers
This lady had healthy teeth but did not like the spaces between them.
The temporary crowns were waxed up by the lab technicians and made up in the mouth by the dentist with the resulting mold.
The lady also wanted to have whiter teeth.
The result was spectacular.
This patient also referred her friends for similar treatment.
Case study 2
6 e.max veneers
This female patient presented to her dentist with extreme discoloration and reduction of vertical dimension, resulting in an aged appearance and the loss of self confidence in public.
The maxillary anterior teeth were made first. The patient was so happy with the result that she immediately had the lower anterior teeth done as well.
The comparison of her smile shows an increase in her feminine appearance and a softness to her smile.
She was ecstatic with the result and referred her friends for treatment.
Case study 4
7 e.max veneers
This patient wanted a brighter smile with uniform coloring throughout.
The photo was taken on the day of insertion and the gingival margins responded very well to the new emergence profiles and alignment surgery around the 12.
The patient was very happy with the result.
Case study 5
Combination: Crowns and Emax Veneers.
This lady presented to her dentist with existing pfm’s in the anterior region.
The color was incorrect as well as the proportions of the restorations in her mouth.
Her pfm crowns were replaced with emax build up crowns.
The colors of the roots under the existing pfm crowns were extremely dark.
A full block out material was used to cover this before the build up ceramic was used to create the crowns. Veneers were made on the teeth laterally placed to create a wonderful and harmonious result.
The patient was ecstatic with her smile.
Case study 6
8 e.max veneers
This lady presented wanting white teeth and a more youthful appearance.
The veneers were used to lengthen the teeth and create a rounded and fuller profile for her face.
She was ecstatic with her result and referred her friends for treatment.
Case study 7
6 e.max veneers
This patient was embarrassed to smile because of the severe discoloration of her front teeth.
She did not like the appearance of her laterals which she found to be too small and mal aligned.
She did not want an overly bright smile.
The patient was ecstatic with the result and referred her friends for treatment.
Case study 8
5 e.max veneers
This lady patient was tired of the stains and spaces between her teeth preventing her from having a better smile.
She wanted a brighter and whiter appearance and was very happy with her result.
She recommended some of her friends in for treatment.
Case study 10
8 e.max veneers
This lady presented to her dentist with discoloration and alignment problems. The 12 was placed lingual to it’s normal position and also the 22 was absent. In it’s place was a 23.
The 13 was placed too far labially giving a “Dracular” effect.
The patient wanted whiter teeth and a softer more feminine look.
Emax was used to create her smile.
She was over the moon with her result and ended up by referring her friends for similar treatment.
Case study 9
Combination Bridge and Emax veneers
This patient had serious concerns for her appearance and wanted her face fixed.
A combination of emax and zirconia was used to create her final result.
Zirconia although not as aesthertically pleasing has other properties that are beneficial in certain cases.
The patient was ecstatic with the result.